Many people in both East and West only know that Taiji is a health exercise, but they do not know that Taiji is also a martial art, good for self defense. Just during the last couple of months, I have encountered many people, including Caucasians and to my surprise also many Chinese and Chinese Americans, […]
Archive for June 2010
Reflections on a Recent Visit to Shanghai’s World Expo
June 2010
My wife and I recently took a two-week trip to Xinjiang, China and a one-week trip to Taiwan. We were able to squeeze between these two trips a two-day visit to the Shanghai World Expo. Since there is so much interest in the Shanghai World Expo and many people are planning to visit it later […]
Multiple Solutions: Implications for Social and Political Analysis
From our high school and college education in math and physics, as well as in other science courses, we know that for many problems, there could be multiple solutions, and often one solution is not necessarily better than the other solutions. This article discusses the implications for social and political analysis when we take into […]