
8 Responses to “Other”

  1. Henry Hom says:

    I really like the new format of your website. However, I do miss the colorful top banner of your old website. Can you bring the old banner back?

  2. Don says:

    Henry, thanks for your comment, which I completely agree with. Yes, I do plan to include the colorful banner photos as in my previous design. But I didn’t have time to include them for this release. I will include them in my next release.

  3. Maureen Doctrove says:

    Do you know anything about Hong Kong in 1864? Did some disease spread through the colony then? I was walking around Stanley Military Cemetery recently and there were a lot of gravestones of young children dated 1864 and some adults too. I have googled the date but no luck. By the way, I posted a comment recently on the British Miliatry Hospital, Bowen Road, which you mention in your article on HK and the Japanese invasion. Thought I would let you know the name of the hospital. I have worked opposite it for many years!
    Maureen Doctrove

  4. Don says:


    Thanks for your two comments. With respect to your question about anything special about Hong Kong in 1864 that might have caused more deaths of young children and even adults around 1864, I do not know the answer. However, I would like to offer the following two comments:

    1. The Second Opium War ended in 1860. Perhaps the children who were born of parents on opium could have been born not as healthy as other children. Adults who were on opium could also have died at an earlier age. However, the people who were buried at the Stanley Military Cemetery most likely were British, and not Chinese.

    2. I found the following website (http://archives.catholic.org.hk/Statistic/DHK.htm) while doing a search on “Hong Kong in 1864.” It contains some statistics on deaths in Hong Kong from 1864 to 1872, that seemed to show that deaths for “Protestant Non-Residents” in 1864 and 1865 were 2-3 times larger than subsequent years. Were the names on the gravestones mostly non-Chinese names?

    Perhaps readers of this website could shed some light on your question.


  5. Valerie says:

    Hi Don,

    I’m a history student in [school name redacted] and I wrote an essay on the Biological and Chemical warfare of Japan during WW2. I was wondering if there were any restrictions on using the photo you included on your article on the topic. I would like to use the first one. Of course, it will be cited and full credits will be given.


  6. Don says:


    Yes, you can use the photo(s) in your essay.

    Don Tow

  7. Maureen Doctrove says:

    Excuse my very late reply!
    The names of the deceased children and adults in Stanley Military cemetery were all British.
    Still a mystery why so many died in that year 1864.

  8. Don says:


    There is another possible answer to your question China experienced a major civil war between December 1850 and August 1864. It is known as the Taiping Rebellion or Taiping Uprising. Two major slogans of this Uprising were “Resist Foreign Powers” and “Rid Internal Traitors.” So its targets were the foreign exploiting powers who were squeezing more and more unequal treaties from China, and the Qing government who wasn’t doing much or capable of doing much to resist the foreign exploitation. It was a major civil war during which more than 20 million people were killed, including a lot of foreigners. I don’t know how much the uprising/rebellion affected Hong Kong, but it was very serious and widespread in Southern and Southwestern China.

    Perhaps there are some readers who can shed some light on this issue.


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