The fundamental concept behind Taijiquan and the basis for its martial applications is clearly represented by the yin-yang symbol for Taijiquan: In Taijiquan, one almost never counters against an attacking force with an opposite frontal counter force with the purpose of overpowering that attacking force with a larger counter force. Instead, the Taijiquan practitioner usually […]
Archive for December 2006
No Man’s Land: A True Event from WWII
December 2006
1 Comment
An event occurred on December 24, 1941 in Hong Kong that almost shattered our family’s lives and had a bearing on my very existence. It was a cold, chilly evening on that Christmas Eve. The streets were dark and quiet after the sun had set. Very few people were walking on the streets, not so […]
Retiremeent: Opportunity for Rebirth
After working for 35 years, I recently (at the end of January 2006) retired. Actually I was laid off, and that made my decision to retire slightly early a very easy decision. During the last 10 months, I have really enjoyed my retirement. As a matter of fact, I found that this past year since […]