The is the website of Don M. Tow. It contains articles in three topical categories (or pages): Political/Social Commentary, Taiji, and Other Topics. Currently, a new release of this website is published usually every three months. The website also has a fourth category “Soccer” about the soccer book that I published in 2006.
Any article in a particular category can be accessed via the corresponding category on the menu bar at the top of the page. Any article in a particular release can be accessed via the corresponding release on the right sidebar.
This website began in October 2006, and the website has been redesigned twice, once in October 2008, and the second time in November 2009.
Due to WordPress is no longer supporting the “theme” (Modern Style) I have used for my website for more than the past 15 years, I will need to choose another WordPress theme in the future. At that time, changing the “theme” will change the structure and appearance of my website.
We welcome comments from readers. Readers can directly submit their comments at the end of any article.
Update on Perspective on US-China Relationship
There are certain issues (such as that Taiwan is an integral part of China) which are not negotiable from the Chinese persperctive. Therefore, we just have to wait till that the burdens beared by the U.S. is so large that the U.S. government would have to give in on that issue in order to proceed forward. That is the case for essentially all of the issues mentioned in the September 2024 issue of my website that may cause differences of opinion facing the U.S. and China. But fortunately those differences are all clearly decided by history and previously decided international laws. Therefore we just have to be patient and wait till the U.S. government finally goes along with already decided international laws, then we can proceed forward.
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