Archive for the ‘Taiji’ Category

Using Taiji to Recover from Stroke

In September 2023, I suffered a stroke affecting my left leg and left arm. Although it was not a major stroke, it did affect my mobility and my stability, affecting the distance I could walk, the speed I could walk, the amount of time I could spent doing Taiji, and the time I need to […]

Some Simple Techniques to Remember and to Respond in Times of Emergencies

One of my Taiji students mentioned to me that several years ago, her mom was crossing the street in Taiwan when a car suddenly appeared behind her honked her horn.  She fell to the ground out of fear and was unable to walk due to the injury to her tailbone when she fell.  Because she […]

Fa-Jin, Amazing Power, and Potential Application to American Football

Qigong Demonstration from Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang:  First I want to give you some background information on Feng Zhiqiang (冯 志 强). Taiji has many styles. The two most popular or most-practiced styles are the Chen Style and the Yang Style. The originally created style was the Chen Style. In the 19th century after Yang Lu-Chan […]

Short Summary of History of Chen Taiji and Yang Taiji

Original Style:  Chen Style:  It is more likely that Taiji was invented about 350-400 years ago near the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) or the beginning of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), associated with Chen Wang-Ting (陈王庭, 1600-1680), a former military officer who lived in the Chen village in Chenjiagou (陈家沟) in Henan Province (河南省).

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