Archive for the ‘Taiji’ Category

Taiji-like Exercises for People with Physical Handicaps

It is well known that Taiji exercises have many health benefits. This article discusses that many Taiji-like exercises, including the associated warm-up stretching and Qigong exercises, can also be practiced by people with limited physical handicaps, e.g., people who have to be seated in wheelchairs or people with limited mobility capabilities. It is well-known for […]

The Establishment of a New “People’s Tai Chi” Platform

On March 31, 2019, a new tai chi [1] platform was launched in Beijing in an effort to promote tai chi, as well as people’s health. The sports section of the People’s Daily initiated the “People’s Tai Chi” platform which aims to popularize tai chi health practice and philosophy, while promoting the martial art and […]

Trying to Understand Why Taiji Has So Many Health Benefits

Modern medical/scientific research in the last 25 years have shown that practicing Taiji can give rise to a variety of health benefits. These benefits include: Lowers blood pressure Reduces body pains Increases immunity Improves physical functions Provides positive psychological impacts Helps with Parkinson disease and Alzheimer’s disease Improves general health The author recently published an […]

Back Pain and Taiji

Taiji (also spelled Tai Chi), an ancient Chinese martial art, can be a very effective exercise to avoid and to relieve back pains. This article discusses why.

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