Quantum Physics: From Mysteries to Reality?

The United Nations has proclaimed 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technoloygy (IYQ). This year-long, worldwide initiative will celebrate the contributions of quantum science to technological progress over the past century, raise global awareness of its importance to sustainable development in the 21st century, and ensure that all nations have access to quantum education and opportunies.

This talk “Quantum Physics: Path from Mysteries to Reality?” that I gave on 6/13/2024 at the Holmdel Library in Holmdel, New Jersey at the former Bell Labs building (new called Bell Works) can be considered as part of that celebration marking the contributions of Quantum Physics to the world. Bell Labs was the site where several great discoveries related to Quantum Physics were discovered in the 20th century that helped to revolutionize the world.

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Some Thoughts on AI and Unsolved Puzzles of Physics

Recently a lot of attention has focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help the human mind to attack all kinds of problems. A natural question is whether AI can help us solve some of the outstanding puzzles facing physics today. In a recent post in this website (December 2023) we discussed a personal view of the most important discoveries in physics (I must emphasize the words “personal view” as different people could have much different choices). For example, as we already mentioned in that article, Dmitri Mendeleev of the Periodic Table and some of the major discoveries regarding the origin and development of the universe are not on that list. The 12 items that appeared in the list are the following:

  1. Mechanical Laws of Motion
  2. Law of Gravitation
  3. Thermodynamics
  4. Electrodynamics (or Theory of Electricity and Magnetism)
  5. Theory of Relativity (both Special Theory and General Theory)
  6. Theory of the Nucleus and the Atoms
  7. Quantum Physics
  8. Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
  9. Discovery of the Weak Force and Formulation of the Electroweak Force
  10. Modern Building Blocks of Matter
  11. Standard Model of Particle Physics
  12. Bell’s Theorem and Experimental Confirmation of Quantum Physics

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Some Simple Techniques to Remember and to Respond in Times of Emergencies

One of my Taiji students mentioned to me that several years ago, her mom was crossing the street in Taiwan when a car suddenly appeared behind her honked her horn.  She fell to the ground out of fear and was unable to walk due to the injury to her tailbone when she fell.  Because she also had Osteoporosis and poor kidney function, the doctor did not recommend surgery, and she could only lie in bed for about half a year, before she passed away.  Her mom was 91 at the time of the incident, and she passed away at age 92.

This caused my friend to ask “are there some simple techniques that could have helped an elderly person to respond in an unexpected emergency situation similar to what her mom encountered several years ago.

This led me to write the following article “Some simple techniques to remember and to respond in times of emergencies.” Read More »

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