The United Nations has proclaimed 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technoloygy (IYQ). This year-long, worldwide initiative will celebrate the contributions of quantum science to technological progress over the past century, raise global awareness of its importance to sustainable development in the 21st century, and ensure that all nations have access to quantum education and opportunies.
This talk “Quantum Physics: Path from Mysteries to Reality?” that I gave on 6/13/2024 at the Holmdel Library in Holmdel, New Jersey at the former Bell Labs building (new called Bell Works) can be considered as part of that celebration marking the contributions of Quantum Physics to the world. Bell Labs was the site where several great discoveries related to Quantum Physics were discovered in the 20th century that helped to revolutionize the world.
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A New Post on U.S.-China Relationship
In the last (March 2024) article on U.S.-China Relationship, I mentioned that for a long time I have always thought that the best approach to U.S.-China Relationship is for the U.S. and China, as the world’s most important countries to work collaboratively to address the many critical problems facing the world, problems like poverty, diseases, unemployment, lack of education, disarmament, climate change, wars, nuclear arms race.
Instead of living together to try to improve the world, why would the U.S. try to create confrontations and adopt a foreign policy toward China that is so antagonistic that can easily escalate into wars? If U.S. and China work together to address the world’s major problems, then the U.S. would not be able to control the world and dictate their so-called rule-based order for the world to follow. Instead of creating a world with multi-modality, the U.S. wants to create a single modality world with the U.S. in the center and in control of that modality. This answers a lot of questions, such as the U.S.’s position toward Taiwan, and why the U.S. wants to turn back the clock more than half a century. It also answers the question why the U.S. government is adopting such a demonic eye toward its American citizens who are Chinese Americans who also want the best for the U.S.
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