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U.S. Has A Nuclear Strategy Focusing On China, and Any Possibility of Using A Chinese Spaceship to Bring Back Two U.S. Astronauts Stranded in Space

U.S.’s Nuclear Employment Guidance Strategy Recently we learned of a recently approved strategy named Nuclear Employment Guidance [1] that focuses on using nuclear weapons on China, as well as Russia and North Korea. The proposed strategy is supposed to prepare a hightened sense of security against a potential nuclear attack by the three countries of […]

Update on Recovering from My Stroke

My Stroke from September 16, 2023 Almost a year ago on September 16, 2023, I suffered a stroke affecting my left leg and left arm. Although it was not from a major stroke, it did affect my mobility and my stability, affecting the distance I could walk, the amount of time I could spend doing […]

Using Taiji to Recover from Stroke

In September 2023, I suffered a stroke affecting my left leg and left arm. Although it was not a major stroke, it did affect my mobility and my stability, affecting the distance I could walk, the speed I could walk, the amount of time I could spent doing Taiji, and the time I need to […]

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