One of the differences between Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western medicine is that TCM puts more emphasis on prevention of diseases and identifying early symptoms of abnormalities that if untreated will lead to illnesses. A major technique, and probably the most important technique, is pulse analysis, where a TCM doctor puts his/her fingers on […]
Archive for June 2013
Why Tokyo Should Not Be Selected to Host the 2020 Summer Olympic
June 2013
Olympic Charter According to the fundamental principles of the Olympic Charter of the International Olympic Committee, Olympism seeks “to create a way of life based on … social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles [1].” Japan is a country that still has not acknowledged and apologized for the massive and inhumane atrocities that […]
What Can Be Done So Japan Will Acknowledge History?
More than 67 years have elapsed since the end of World War II (WWII). Yet the Japanese government still has not acknowledged or apologized for the massive, inhumane atrocities that the Japanese Imperial Army inflicted all over Asia during WWII. Soon there won’t be any more living sex slave (euphemistically called Comfort Woman by the […]