Comments on: Some Simple Techniques to Remember and to Respond in Times of Emergencies Mon, 01 Apr 2024 14:14:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Don Tow Mon, 01 Apr 2024 14:14:06 +0000 I received an email from a reader with the question “Where does the name ‘Wild Horse Shakes Its Name’ come from, and how is it related to the movements of the form?”

This is a very good question. The form “Wild Horse Shakes Its Mane” is Form #2 of the “Yang Style Taiji 24 Form,” whick is the most practiced Taiji form set in the world.

In doing this form after completing Form 1 “Opening Form,” you move your hands in a holding-ball position, you then move left foot about one shoulder-width to your left stepping down on your left heel, you then follow that with a rotation of the leg and body while stepping down on the toes of your left foot. During this rotation, you turn your head, and during that turn, the hair (or mane) on the back of the horse’s head moves as if the horse is shaking its head, thus giving rise to its name. This little rotation of the body is very important because the rotation adds more power to that movement of the hand (although some teachers may not stress/emphasize this rotation).

Note that in Form 2, you actually do this movement 3 times: first to the left, then to the right, and third time to the left again. For each of these 3 movements, a rotation of the body is involved. The little rotation of your body is part of the subtlety and partially explains the martial power of Taiji.

Thank you for your question.

Don Tow
[email protected]
