Comments on: Living Through the UC Berkeley’s Free Speech Movement of 1964 Tue, 02 Aug 2016 20:03:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim Zebo Tue, 02 Aug 2016 20:03:13 +0000 Good points all, Cynthia. You asked, “Is it completely fizzled?” It seems Bernie has influenced the current Dem’s Platform. We’ll see in due time how much of it gets implemented!

By: Cynthia Fri, 15 Jul 2016 10:21:22 +0000 I learned a lot from this post. I wonder whether the death of the President of the US the previous year could have sent distress signals that his New Frontier was not to be, and that triggered some frustration in the populace, particularly students who may have felt certain hopes personally crushed in 1963? Just a thought.
Tim, perhaps the occupiers had to get back to work, eventually, as they were not students. Also, their aims as far as I know were more general, and thus less likely to lead to a crisp resolution either way. Thirdly, is it completely fizzled?

By: Tim Zebo Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:59:25 +0000 Thanks for this post! It brought back many memories since I was a college junior in ’64. It also invites a comparison with the failed Occupy Wall Street movement. A few years ago I marched with 20,000 people from NY City Hall to the park where OWS protesters were camped. From the speeches and general crowd sentiments, it felt much like the protests of the middle ’60s. And yet for some reason it fizzled out. Your post has me very curious about the differences between the two movements – did one succeed and the other fail because of the “wrongs” each was trying to address, or because of the protest management processes, or something else?
