Comments on: July 7 Incident and Start of the Second Sino-Japanese War Tue, 20 Sep 2011 21:58:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rich Braverman Tue, 20 Sep 2011 21:58:05 +0000 Don

Thanks for another history lesson. China will no longer be attacked but will China now so powerful become an agressor?


By: John Shanton Fri, 26 Aug 2011 18:23:26 +0000 Thank you for your political/social commentary regarding the July 7, 1937 incident. I have been interested in the history of China for a long time. Here is a country that has seen so much strife. Yet, one that until this generation never had much interest in the implements of war. The reason, I daresay, is the basic Chinese philosophy that it is good and natural to live in peace with one and all. Pretty naive, may I add. Why? No country should be seen as weak militarily. I am therefore, glad that China has begun to build up its forces. As its immense population has assured its survival all through the last centuries, its continued investment in its fighting forces will see it through the new millennium. This country has every right to ensure that nothing like what happened on July 7, 1937 will ever happen again.

By: Victor C.Yeh Sun, 03 Jul 2011 16:16:35 +0000 Dear Don: I congratulate you on your new website. I read your article on July 7, 1937 Incident, which provided many unknown details, with great interests. I was then in elementary school in Beijing. China had suffered greatly from 1931-1945 with the Japanese invasion. Japan is a country NOT to be trusted at all. Will try to spread the word on your web site. Victor Yeh

By: Charles Y. Wang Sat, 02 Jul 2011 02:11:24 +0000 Don,

Thank you so much for the valuable reminder of the permanent scar in Chinese history. I never get tired of reviewing this part of history. I was fascinated by the video series “一寸河山一寸血” (aka. 國殤)a few months ago.

The Japanese started bullying China since 5/3 濟南慘案[ or even earlier. From military technology perspective, China had zero chance to stand up for a fight. But when millions of our brave countryman and women made up their mind to fight to the end, miracles that startled the Japanese happened. We even scored many victories on various battlefields.

It was the Chinese who had trapped millions of Japanese army in a hellish quagmire for years, driving the Japanese navy nuts and eventually carried out the self-dooming Pearl Harbor attack out of desperation.

Although we paid a heavy price during the war, we had earned respect in the international community. This part of history provides me with deep inspirations, and made me awe-struck by the grace of God who had saved China at the brink of extinction.

Charles Wang
